knautia: Colliter's Brook, A38
knautia: Sign, tucked behind the Colliter's Brook A38 bridge
knautia: Colliter's Brook bridge, A38
knautia: Colliter's Brook bridge, A38
knautia: Colliter's Brook bridge, A38
knautia: A38 vibes
knautia: Along the A38
knautia: Stables
knautia: Footpath
knautia: Footbridge over a dry stream
knautia: Rural
knautia: Footpath, lensflare
knautia: Oak tree
knautia: Footbridge over a dry stream
knautia: Ploughed
knautia: Seeds, not maggots
knautia: Footbridge over dry stream bed
knautia: Building site, Dundry slopes
knautia: Building site, Dundry slopes
knautia: All those lines of trees have streams in them
knautia: Dundry slopes
knautia: Footbridge over a dry stream bed
knautia: Footbridge over dry stream bed
knautia: Lines of trees along streams, Dundry slopes
knautia: The horse that was a bit too enthusiastic
knautia: Countryside
knautia: The lower Dundry slopes
knautia: Slopes
knautia: Object - guessing it's to try to get the flies to stick to the bucket, not eat the horses?
knautia: Footbridge over one of the Colliter's Brook streams