Karen Muskett: Ice cream at the interval
Karen Muskett: Audience leaving the theatre
Karen Muskett: Audience leaving the theatre
Karen Muskett: Audience leaving the theatre
Karen Muskett: Smile....
Karen Muskett: Advertising
Karen Muskett: Everyone wanted their photo in front of this poster
Karen Muskett: Smile...
Karen Muskett: Photo time
Karen Muskett: Waiting at the stage door
Karen Muskett: Smile ;0)
Karen Muskett: Beautiful.....
Karen Muskett: Waiting at the stage door
Karen Muskett: Nakamura Shibajaku (I think!) signing autographs whilst Kataoka Ichizo (I think!) stands by unnoticed
Karen Muskett: Otani Tomoemon (I think!)
Karen Muskett: Autograph signing
Karen Muskett: Kataoka Ichizo (I think!)
Karen Muskett: Autograph signing
Karen Muskett: Cast and crew leaving at stage door
Karen Muskett: Cast and crew leaving at stage door
Karen Muskett: Ichikawa Ebizo
Karen Muskett: Ichikawa Ebizo
Karen Muskett: Ichikawa Ebizo