Keith - Glasgow: Diamond Beach morning
Keith - Glasgow: Heinabergsjökull
Keith - Glasgow: Djúpalónssandur Dusk
Keith - Glasgow: Ice Forming
Keith - Glasgow: Jökulsárlón Pre-dawn
Keith - Glasgow: Dyrhólaey Silhouette
Keith - Glasgow: Kirkjufell
Keith - Glasgow: Beach Detail
Keith - Glasgow: Dyrhólaey Sunset Cliffs
Keith - Glasgow: Vestrahorn Mirrored
Keith - Glasgow: Sunrise Diamonds
Keith - Glasgow: Vestrahorn Beach
Keith - Glasgow: Mirrored
Keith - Glasgow: Aurora and Meteors
Keith - Glasgow: Shooting Star Aurora
Keith - Glasgow: Ice Dawn
Keith - Glasgow: Svínafellsjökull
Keith - Glasgow: Eldhraun lava field Moss
Keith - Glasgow: Big Waves and Pink Skies
Keith - Glasgow: Vestrahorn
Keith - Glasgow: Glacial Retreat
Keith - Glasgow: Vik Beach Streaks
Keith - Glasgow: Ice and Waves
Keith - Glasgow: Aurora and Cloud
Keith - Glasgow: Núpsstaður
Keith - Glasgow: Svínafellsjökull
Keith - Glasgow: Sea Power