katieo.: Sometimes you have to try new things. And let me just say that these gorgeous prints did not disappoint. Thank you @artifactuprising! And although it's not the ideal place to display these lovelies, I may need to have them in my cube so I can enjoy them e
katieo.: He wants to teach us all a thing or two about style. #nikeroshe #camden #morningswithcamden
katieo.: A different travel companion this morning. #scout #camden is gonna be so excited to see that little puppy tonight.
katieo.: A minute earlier he was resting on top of her. A minute later he was singing #rockabyebaby to her. I think he loves her. #libby #morningswithcamden #camden
katieo.: Under the wire....#tbt and #nationalsiblingday One of my favorites ever.
katieo.: He wanted no part of pictures tis morning. Mommy doesn't always listen especially when I need to get a picture of #Camden wearing his very first backpack. I look at him and wonder how he got so big so fast. #morningswithcamden
katieo.: And then this happened. It's not her birthday.
katieo.: Let the Easter egg dying weekend begin. Add stickers for good measure. #camden
katieo.: Norman Rockwell anyone? #morningswithcamden #camden
katieo.: Monday mornings are the hardest. After spending the weekend being outdoors, soaking up the sun, being silly, and skipping stones with these two I may already be looking forward to the weekend.
katieo.: Came home to find these on my kitchen table thanks to my mom. And I'm by no means @ashleywoodsonbailey, but these azaleas sure are pretty.
katieo.: #regram! So love seeing one of my favorite shots from @lesleywgraham's #homedepotstylechallenge featured by @homedepot!
katieo.: upload
katieo.: upload
katieo.: #Thealamo #ksat #fiesta
katieo.: Nice little dinner view. #thealamo #ksat #ksatfiesta #fiesta
katieo.: Not where I wanted to end up after a weekend away, but even at the hospital this little peanut is still all smiles. #camden
katieo.: #pictureofapicture This was in #camden's folder at school. I'm fairly certain this is the result of being the subject of too many photo opps.