Kim Siever: My new year’s resolution is to try a new fruit and new vegetable every month. My vegetable for January was cassava. It was pretty similar to potatoes. I’d probably eat it again.
Kim Siever: My great grandmother Emma Siever would’ve been 136 years old today.
Kim Siever: I made a new year’s resolution to try a new fruit and a new vegetable every month. For January, I tried pomelo. It tasted like a milder version of grapefruit.
Kim Siever: Photo
Kim Siever: Finally got to hang up laundry on the line this month. This means I was able to hang up laundry at least once in every month of 2024!
Kim Siever: Just got my first cheque from selling Alberta Worker shirts! If you don’t have one yet, just click on the link in my bio to order.
Kim Siever: This was probably the best vegetarian French onion soup I’ve ever made. It was so good.
Kim Siever: Good morning from Lethbridge!
Kim Siever: The peppers I harvested from our garden last month have almost all turned red now.
Kim Siever: Picked up these 3 books for 6 bucks!
Kim Siever: The great thing about butternut squash is that it keeps so long. I’m having some for dinner today even though I harvested it in October.
Kim Siever: Found this in my can of olives.
Kim Siever: Good morning, Lethbridge!
Kim Siever: I made some butter
Kim Siever: Good morning from Lethbridge.
Kim Siever: 143 years ago, my great great grandfather was born. He came to Canada in 1911 and helped build the Saskatchewan legislature building before becoming a farmer. Happy birthday, Grandpa Loskot!
Kim Siever: We got some snow this weekend.
Kim Siever: It’s frosty in Lethbridge this morning.
Kim Siever: Are you in Edmonton? Consider showing your support with nurses on Friday!
Kim Siever: I’m grateful the City of Lethbridge installed this new curb cut in my neighbourhood. And I love that it has a separate cut for each direction. More accessibility is a good thing.
Kim Siever: On the last leg of my trip back to Lethbridge.
Kim Siever: My outfit for the last day of the Parkland Institute conference.
Kim Siever: Looks like a good lineup today.
Kim Siever: My outfit for the second day of the Parkland Institute conference. And I’m presenting this morning!
Kim Siever: My outfit for the first day of the Parkland Institute conference.
Kim Siever: Oh, there’s me!
Kim Siever: I finally made it to the University of Alberta! Thank you to all the airport workers in Calgary, Edmonton, and Lethbridge; all the airline workers; and the transit workers in Edmonton for getting me here safely!
Kim Siever: In the air, Lethbridge to Calgary. First time in 15 years.
Kim Siever: On my way to Edmonton for the weekend!
Kim Siever: First time using this luggage I got last year!