karenphillips: Limnanthes floccosa ssp. pumila - Dwarf Wooly Meadowfoam
karenphillips: Lupinus bicolor
karenphillips: Hairworm and fairy shrimp
karenphillips: Fritillaria recurva - Red Bells
karenphillips: Fritillaria recurva - flower detail
karenphillips: Dichelostemma capitatum
karenphillips: Ranunculus austro-oreganus - Southern Oregon buttercup
karenphillips: Ranunculus austro-oreganus - Southern Oregon buttercup
karenphillips: Hound's Tongue watercolor
karenphillips: The last grasswidow
karenphillips: Limnanthes floccosa ssp. pumila - Dwarf woolly meadow-foam
karenphillips: Lithophragma - Woodland Star
karenphillips: Collinsia watercolor
karenphillips: Meadow Nemophilia
karenphillips: Lasthenia californica - California goldfields
karenphillips: Goldfields and Sandwort watercolor
karenphillips: Meadowfoam watercolor
karenphillips: Allium parvum - Dwarf onion
karenphillips: Thysanocarpus seedpods
karenphillips: Linmanthes again...
karenphillips: Trifolium and Lasthenia
karenphillips: Fawn Lily watercolor
karenphillips: Feather on Upper Table Rock
karenphillips: Grass widow (Olsynium douglasii)
karenphillips: Under a brooding sky
karenphillips: Spring Gold (Crocidium multicaule)
karenphillips: Bulbous Woodland Star (Lithophragma glabrum)
karenphillips: Meadow Nemophila (Nemophila pedunculata)