Pixelating Around Texas: July Super Moon DSC07948
Pixelating Around Texas: July Super Moon DSC07939
Pixelating Around Texas: July Super Moon DSC07949
Pixelating Around Texas: July Super Moon DSC07993
Pixelating Around Texas: August super moon bw 10 pm DSC08486
Pixelating Around Texas: August super moon 10 pm bw DSC08487
Pixelating Around Texas: August super moon bw 1 am DSC08513
Pixelating Around Texas: August super moon rgb 10 pm DSC08481
Pixelating Around Texas: August super moon bw 10 pm DSC08486
Pixelating Around Texas: August super moon 11 pm DSC08499
Pixelating Around Texas: August waning moon 081514 DSC08589
Pixelating Around Texas: August waning moon 081514 DSC08589 bw
Pixelating Around Texas: Sept Waxing Moon DSC09664
Pixelating Around Texas: Sept Waxing Moon bw DSC09664
Pixelating Around Texas: Waning August Moon DSC09553
Pixelating Around Texas: September Moon DSC09910
Pixelating Around Texas: September Moon bw DSC09910
Pixelating Around Texas: Sept moon over Collins Blvd Richardson DSC09847
Pixelating Around Texas: Sept Moon DSC09843
Pixelating Around Texas: Sept moon over Collins Blvd DSC09902
Pixelating Around Texas: October_06-14 Moon 020
Pixelating Around Texas: Full Moon - Cloudy December Night DSC04367
Pixelating Around Texas: Full Moon December DSC04377
Pixelating Around Texas: Morning August Moon DSC03756
Pixelating Around Texas: Morning August Moon DSC03761
Pixelating Around Texas: August Moon in the Daylight DSC03966
Pixelating Around Texas: DSC06345 Early Morning Sept Moon - Eye in the Sky
Pixelating Around Texas: DSC07010 Harvest morning moon
Pixelating Around Texas: DSC07017 Harvest moon in clouds
Pixelating Around Texas: DSC07014 Harvest morning moon