K-Mc.Pics: Setting up registration
K-Mc.Pics: Ready for conference attendees
K-Mc.Pics: Presentation room
K-Mc.Pics: Brian, A/V guru
K-Mc.Pics: Let the talks begin
K-Mc.Pics: Snack time
K-Mc.Pics: Snack time
K-Mc.Pics: Anne
K-Mc.Pics: not your average conference
K-Mc.Pics: IMG_9543
K-Mc.Pics: not your average conference
K-Mc.Pics: not your average conference
K-Mc.Pics: not your average conference
K-Mc.Pics: Andrea
K-Mc.Pics: GCC pint glass!
K-Mc.Pics: Keg is that way
K-Mc.Pics: Dining hall
K-Mc.Pics: Kyle, Ed
K-Mc.Pics: coordinated drinking
K-Mc.Pics: GCC4 pamphlet
K-Mc.Pics: ready for the keynote address
K-Mc.Pics: Gerard, the illustrious keynote speaker
K-Mc.Pics: Kevin, Stu
K-Mc.Pics: Ting, Kelly
K-Mc.Pics: Seth
K-Mc.Pics: Working
K-Mc.Pics: Working
K-Mc.Pics: Ethan