K-Mc.Pics: Escape from the Rock Tri
K-Mc.Pics: Escape from the Rock Tri
K-Mc.Pics: Nicole, looking scared
K-Mc.Pics: Stretching is good
K-Mc.Pics: Escape from the Rock Tri
K-Mc.Pics: Escape from the Rock Tri
K-Mc.Pics: Escape from the Rock Tri
K-Mc.Pics: Transition area
K-Mc.Pics: Escape from the Rock Tri
K-Mc.Pics: Escape from the Rock Tri
K-Mc.Pics: Yeah Mau! Swim done.
K-Mc.Pics: Escape from the Rock Tri
K-Mc.Pics: Escape from the Rock Tri
K-Mc.Pics: Woo Woo, no drowning!
K-Mc.Pics: Escape from the Rock Tri
K-Mc.Pics: Mau's done biking!
K-Mc.Pics: Escape from the Rock Tri
K-Mc.Pics: Nicole is done biking!
K-Mc.Pics: Escape from the Rock Tri
K-Mc.Pics: Escape from the Rock Tri
K-Mc.Pics: Finishing!!
K-Mc.Pics: Escape from the Rock Tri
K-Mc.Pics: Nice first triathlon, Mau
K-Mc.Pics: Yeah, home stretch!
K-Mc.Pics: Escape from the Rock Tri
K-Mc.Pics: Escape from the Rock Tri
K-Mc.Pics: Nice race, Nicole
K-Mc.Pics: Escape from the Rock Tri
K-Mc.Pics: Yay, winners
K-Mc.Pics: Escape from the Rock Tri