Kmcheng: Frozen lake and the stone boat
Kmcheng: Frozen Lake
Kmcheng: Padlock
Kmcheng: Summer Palace
Kmcheng: The marble boat pavilion.
Kmcheng: Summer Palace
Kmcheng: Summer Palace
Kmcheng: The Zhichun Pavilion stands on an island in Kunming Lake.
Kmcheng: Yuan Ming Yuan
Kmcheng: Summer Palace
Kmcheng: Summer Palace
Kmcheng: Summer Palace
Kmcheng: Summer Palace
Kmcheng: Summer Palace
Kmcheng: The ruins of Yuan Ming Yuan
Kmcheng: Tsinghua University.
Kmcheng: Beijing opera. Performer with cosmetic makeup.
Kmcheng: Sunset at Forbidden City
Kmcheng: Beijing Opera
Kmcheng: Hanging fruits
Kmcheng: Great Wall - 7,000 km and over 2,000 years old.
Kmcheng: Fozen moat
Kmcheng: Badaliang Great Wall
Kmcheng: Beijing Opera
Kmcheng: Qinghua College
Kmcheng: Frozen ditch outside Qinghua College
Kmcheng: Beijing National Theatre
Kmcheng: The 'Water Cube'
Kmcheng: The 'Nest' after nightfall