Kmcheng: Huang Long, Sichuan
Kmcheng: Huang Long, Sichuan - The 'Five Colour Pond' is famed for its magical golden calcite deposits.
Kmcheng: Huang Long, Sichuan - Calcite pools linked by waterfalls.
Kmcheng: Hazy Morning.
Kmcheng: Sunset
Kmcheng: Formation of residential complex on a hill.
Kmcheng: Village in Sichuan.
Kmcheng: Somewhat look like castle.
Kmcheng: Seagull in flight
Kmcheng: A small ranch in the valley
Kmcheng: Tong Tin River, the headsteam of Yangtze River.
Kmcheng: Like the overall colors.
Kmcheng: Look strange that a bathing Lama gave me a V sign.
Kmcheng: Stupa and prayer flags
Kmcheng: I would die for a lake side house like this in Hong Kong
Kmcheng: Primitive but highly efficient.
Kmcheng: Reflection
Kmcheng: Loverly kids
Kmcheng: The sky clear up after we arrived at pass of the 3000M Erlang Mountain.
Kmcheng: One of the major ingradients for Sichuan cooking.
Kmcheng: Honeycomb coal used in cooking.
Kmcheng: Sichuan food without red chilli pepper
Kmcheng: We are close buddy
Kmcheng: These two loverly girls thought they could run faster than my shutter.
Kmcheng: I wanted to take picture of his wife, but he insisted I should take picture of him instead.
Kmcheng: Storm brewing.
Kmcheng: Monk in Taer Monastery
Kmcheng: Monk in Taer Monastery
Kmcheng: The only word I understand from her is 'money'
Kmcheng: She kept talking to me in a language I didn't understand.