KellyNicoleMarkowitz: The Hoppin Boxcars
KellyNicoleMarkowitz: Photo Nov 26, 5 27 38 PM
KellyNicoleMarkowitz: Red pagoda flower with rain drops
KellyNicoleMarkowitz: Butterfly drinking from red flowers
KellyNicoleMarkowitz: Ruby throated hummingbird perched on a leaf
KellyNicoleMarkowitz: Female common grackle on St. Augustine pier
KellyNicoleMarkowitz: Yellow flower floating in water with ants
KellyNicoleMarkowitz: Juvenile Cuban tree frog on leaf
KellyNicoleMarkowitz: back-lit orchard orb weaver and web
KellyNicoleMarkowitz: Fuschia Hibiscus Flower
KellyNicoleMarkowitz: Square sunset at the bay in Margate NJ