kmardahl: 001/365 - Sunrise
kmardahl: 002/365 - Morning fuel
kmardahl: 003/365 - Frozen love
kmardahl: 004/365 - Winter vitamins
kmardahl: 005/365 - The Organic Hot Dog Stand
kmardahl: 006/365 - Observing the observatory
kmardahl: 007/365 - I Love Books
kmardahl: 008/365 - Hibernation
kmardahl: 009/365 - Bike parking
kmardahl: 010/365 - Day-O
kmardahl: 011/365 - My friend, the water tower
kmardahl: 012/365 - Shock
kmardahl: 013/365 - More Frozen Love
kmardahl: 014/365 - A new skin
kmardahl: 015/365 - Photographs and memories
kmardahl: 016/365 - Lightsabers
kmardahl: 017/365 - Tidy
kmardahl: 018/365 - Leftovers
kmardahl: 019/365 - Slippery Library Path
kmardahl: 020/365 - Headache
kmardahl: 021/365 - The Vet
kmardahl: 022/365 - It's Still Christmas
kmardahl: 023/365 - Need a time machine
kmardahl: 024/365 - Hello sunshine!
kmardahl: 025/365 - Narrow Streets
kmardahl: 026/365 - Let it snow!
kmardahl: 027/365 - Winter magnolia
kmardahl: 028/365 - Nørreport in the snow
kmardahl: 029/365 - Sunset on Kilen
kmardahl: 030/365 - Snowy roofs and balconies