K嘛: upload
K嘛: We haven't finish yet, this is just started.
K嘛: upload
K嘛: 廁所碎念
K嘛: 社子島
K嘛: upload
K嘛: upload
K嘛: 第一餐就吃草
K嘛: I'm gonna wake you up early cause I'm gonna take a ride with you. We're going down to the auto shop, I'll tell you what we're gonna do. --Little Honda, Yo La Tengo
K嘛: 告了啦!
K嘛: 乍看之下還以為是一家電影院
K嘛: 一路向西
K嘛: upload
K嘛: upload
K嘛: upload
K嘛: upload
K嘛: upload
K嘛: When Korean palace meets western.... 屋頂韓式,內裝西式
K嘛: 看起來好像很辣,其實還好~
K嘛: 不祥
K嘛: 世田谷拉麵@台北車站。 麵條soso,但湯頭跟叉燒還算不錯。 btw外加服務費似乎已經是拉麵圈的潛規則⋯⋯
K嘛: 茶具展示區
K嘛: 新舊茶葉萎凋區
K嘛: factory #ExploreTaiwan
K嘛: it's a long way journey
K嘛: 海線午後 #ExploreTaiwan
K嘛: 大家來找碴
K嘛: Doraemon 長牙齒