kmanohar: Mysterious ship in fog - just outside Ventura Harbor
kmanohar: Reflected symmetry
kmanohar: Reflections in symmetry
kmanohar: Perfect symmetry
kmanohar: Boats in Ventura Harbor
kmanohar: The "Vanguard" entering Ventura Harbor
kmanohar: The coast of Ventura County disappearing in the sea haze
kmanohar: Santa Barbara Coast
kmanohar: Oil Drilling Platforms in Santa Barbara Channel
kmanohar: Cuyler Harbor, from the Nidever Canyon Trailhead
kmanohar: Hiking up the steep Nidever Canyon Trail
kmanohar: Nidever Canyon and Santa Barbara Channel
kmanohar: National Park Ranger demonstrates radio antennae used to track Channel Island Foxes
kmanohar: US Coast and Geodetic Survey reference marker
kmanohar: George Roberts looking apprehensively at the approaching fog
kmanohar: Aragallus lamberti
kmanohar: Caliche Forest - San Miguel Island
kmanohar: Green Mountain Valley
kmanohar: Potential California earthquake fault line exposed on the surface
kmanohar: Prince Island
kmanohar: Santa Rosa Island across San Miguel Channel.
kmanohar: Airstrip on San Miguel Island, Channel Islands National Park, California
kmanohar: Ranger Station on San Miguel Island - Channel Islands National Park
kmanohar: Azure Cuyler Harbor, California.
kmanohar: Cuyler Harbor Beach and Prince Island
kmanohar: Gull Rock and Nidever Canyon in Cuyler Harbor, California
kmanohar: Seals on Otter Beach
kmanohar: Lovely sunset off Santa Cruz Island
kmanohar: Lonely seagull
kmanohar: Littoral Sea Cave on Santa Cruz Island