kmanohar: What to do in case a mountain lion attacks
kmanohar: Beginning of the 8-Loop
kmanohar: Yellow wildflower on Methuselah Trail
kmanohar: Sunlight through dense canopy
kmanohar: Budding Life
kmanohar: You know you are on the Fir Trail
kmanohar: Stretching out for sunshine
kmanohar: Fir Trail
kmanohar: Pinecone in one of the holes in the tafoni formation
kmanohar: Tafoni Rock Formation
kmanohar: Tafoni Rock Formation
kmanohar: Wildflowers on Tafoni Trail
kmanohar: Wildflowers on Tafoni Trail
kmanohar: Blue petal with pearls in it
kmanohar: What would Chirstmas be if Santa Claus lost weight
kmanohar: Showing a finger?
kmanohar: Lacquer on a tree trunk?
kmanohar: Shoots of life
kmanohar: Multicolored wildflower
kmanohar: Bluebells in the shade
kmanohar: Lone hiker in the leafy shady forest
kmanohar: Muscles on a tree?
kmanohar: Quintupetal with a string of pearls
kmanohar: Slugs coming out of the ground?
kmanohar: Giant finger stuck in the ground?
kmanohar: Cobweb with a spider lurking inside
kmanohar: PhD tree?
kmanohar: Twin trees on an exposed ridge
kmanohar: Colors
kmanohar: View of the California Pacific coast amidst a break in the woods