Kevin Madsen:
271 With a Mix of Clouds & Sun
Kevin Madsen:
DM&E 6362 West Pulling To a Stop
Kevin Madsen:
ICE 6434 East Speeding Along U.S.14
Kevin Madsen:
Cobden Meet
Kevin Madsen:
DM&E 6363 West on the Move
Kevin Madsen:
ICE 6410 East Just Into Minnesota
Kevin Madsen:
IC&E 6410 East at Lake Benton
Kevin Madsen:
6410 East in the Corn Fields
Kevin Madsen:
Either Got the Weather...
Kevin Madsen:
Either Got the Power...
Kevin Madsen:
ICE 6434 West Departing MN City
Kevin Madsen:
Bonus Train
Kevin Madsen:
Smoke, Sand, Slow
Kevin Madsen:
ICE 6434 West in the Valley
Kevin Madsen:
ICE 6434 Continuing Up the Hill
Kevin Madsen:
Lumbering Into Lewiston
Kevin Madsen:
Kevin Madsen:
277 Chase West
Kevin Madsen:
ICE 6434 West Through Eyota