Auren_Glytterkat: Feeling like I was just starting the pregnancy journey...! *5 months
Auren_Glytterkat: Pregnant Mama in a Pink Dress! *6 months
Auren_Glytterkat: About mid-way pregnant.... growin mah youngist *7 months
Auren_Glytterkat: "Hi Little Sister!" ~ Quite Pregnant, at the Loving It stage...! ^.^ *8 months
Auren_Glytterkat: I felt very beautiful this day! ~ Quite Pregnant *8 months
Auren_Glytterkat: Feeling quite pregnant but glad the morning sickness was finally gone! *9 months
Auren_Glytterkat: Very pregnant! *9.5 months
Auren_Glytterkat: Just before birth ~ A few days shy of 42 weeks...! :)