ImDerpyHooves: Louis Jude "Lou" Ferrigno
ImDerpyHooves: Doogie and the Booth Babes
ImDerpyHooves: Doogie and the Booth Babes
ImDerpyHooves: Doogie and the Booth Babes
ImDerpyHooves: Doogie and the Booth Babes
ImDerpyHooves: Air Force Car Interrior
ImDerpyHooves: Air Force Car Interrior
ImDerpyHooves: Doogie and the Booth Babes
ImDerpyHooves: Doogie and the Booth Babes
ImDerpyHooves: Doogie and the Booth Babes
ImDerpyHooves: Doogie and the Booth Babes
ImDerpyHooves: DSCF4060
ImDerpyHooves: Doogie and the Booth Babes
ImDerpyHooves: DSCF4062
ImDerpyHooves: What a mohawk and sideburns
ImDerpyHooves: Predator
ImDerpyHooves: Predator