klodine2009 / Here and there and nowhere:
Liquid gold...
klodine2009 / Here and there and nowhere:
few drops again...
klodine2009 / Here and there and nowhere:
Try to stay cool..:)
klodine2009 / Here and there and nowhere:
klodine2009 / Here and there and nowhere:
summer dreams reflections...
klodine2009 / Here and there and nowhere:
Summer dreams...
klodine2009 / Here and there and nowhere:
klodine2009 / Here and there and nowhere:
klodine2009 / Here and there and nowhere:
let the sun shine....
klodine2009 / Here and there and nowhere:
after the rain..
klodine2009 / Here and there and nowhere:
The last drop...La derniere goutte :)
klodine2009 / Here and there and nowhere:
Ce n'est pas celle qui a fait deborder le vase..