Gary Burke.: Last Stop for the 7 Train
Gary Burke.: End of the Line
Gary Burke.: On the 7
Gary Burke.: Subway Art
Gary Burke.: Heavy Glass
Gary Burke.: Waiting and Watching
Gary Burke.: Waiting for the S
Gary Burke.: The S Train
Gary Burke.: Waiting for the 7
Gary Burke.: Waiting for the 7
Gary Burke.: On the 7
Gary Burke.: Waiting for the S
Gary Burke.: The Lower Depths
Gary Burke.: Waiting for the S Train
Gary Burke.: New York's Underworld
Gary Burke.: All Aboard!
Gary Burke.: Riding into the Past
Gary Burke.: Look Up!
Gary Burke.: Ready to Go Home
Gary Burke.: Bryant Park Subway Station
Gary Burke.: Where is Everybody?
Gary Burke.: Union Square
Gary Burke.: Subway Therapy
Gary Burke.: Beneath the Streets
Gary Burke.: Hunters Point Avenue Station
Gary Burke.: Hunters Point Avenue Station
Gary Burke.: Hunters Point Avenue Station
Gary Burke.: Lonely Night on Astoria Boulevard
Gary Burke.: The Q Pulls In