klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
Wanaque sunset, Josh, 8.30.09
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
John, 100 Strangers, #16/100, 8.20.09
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
White roses, NYC 3/21/10
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
THE DUPLEX (2), Around NYC, 5/24/09
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
Shannon, 8/7/09
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
Past, Present, Future... NYC 8/17/08
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
Deer in a field, Lincoln Park NJ 6/18/09
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
Railroad fog (B&W), 10/1/08
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
Fountain, B&W, Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh PA 10/09
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
Red on Black #2, 7/2/09
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
Streets of NY, 1/16/10
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
That Barn Mural, On the way to Sugar Loaf NY, 3/20/10
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
Manno Farm, Warwick NY 10.8.09
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
Bones in the Backyard, Sugarloaf NY 10/8/09 (Processed)
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
Barn, Sugar Loaf NY, 3/20/10
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
The Last Picture Show, Warwick Drive-In, Going to Sugar Loaf NY, 3/20/10
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
Samantha the Lifeguard, 6/7/09
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
Sleeping Beauty, 8.28.09
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
Monksville Reservoir (PANORAMA), Hewitt NJ 10.8.09
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
FULL MOON, 9.5.09
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
Skyline, NEW YORK LINEAR, 1/14/10
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
Platform 233, NEW YORK LINEAR, 1/14/10
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
Empire State, NEW YORK LINEAR, 1/14/10
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
John's, Since 1929, Bleecker St., NYC
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
Ft. Lauderdale, 6/2/09
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
TOUGH!, Bryan, 8/7/09
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
Elvis, James & Marlon, Going to Sugarloaf NY, 8/30/08
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
Bench B&W, Skylands Manor, NJ Photo Outing, 9/20/08
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
Erin the Lifeguard, underwater 7/25/08
klimari1 (JUST SHOOT IT! Photography):
32/365 Macro Monday, "HALLOWEEN" Cool Ghoul M & M's, 10/27/08