KLGreenNYC: view of the Blue Mosque at night, from the Hotel Alzer
KLGreenNYC: the view from our hotel room--to the right
KLGreenNYC: cat on a hot tin roof
KLGreenNYC: our sweet hotel!
KLGreenNYC: the colorful, quasi-Egyptian Hotel Optimist
KLGreenNYC: juice stand, coffee bar, convenience store
KLGreenNYC: the villa on the corner & Hagia Sophia
KLGreenNYC: OMG I'm at Hagia Sophia!
KLGreenNYC: bird on a thing
KLGreenNYC: bollards
KLGreenNYC: the yellow house
KLGreenNYC: Not actually my corner
KLGreenNYC: sidewalk gift shop
KLGreenNYC: cats on the rug
KLGreenNYC: random fountain, set into the Topkapı retaining wall
KLGreenNYC: Istanbul graffiti
KLGreenNYC: I won't!!
KLGreenNYC: trees and vendors in Gulhane Park
KLGreenNYC: drinking fountain, with cup, inside the Gulhane Park gates
KLGreenNYC: rabbit eating grapes
KLGreenNYC: this cat will prevent you from asking for information
KLGreenNYC: Istanbul manhole cover
KLGreenNYC: allée, approaching Topkapı
KLGreenNYC: Topkapi bench
KLGreenNYC: Gate of Salutation: Topkapı
KLGreenNYC: golden tree; Topkapı's first courtyard
KLGreenNYC: inside the Gate of Salutation: Topkapı
KLGreenNYC: that monogram: Topkapı
KLGreenNYC: lamp, entry to Audience Chamber: Topkapı
KLGreenNYC: fountain: Topkapı