KLGreenNYC: Getting ready to set out...
KLGreenNYC: a cat that likes living on the edge
KLGreenNYC: nice eagles!
KLGreenNYC: nice lamp on the GPO building
KLGreenNYC: first sight of the crowds heading towards the Mall
KLGreenNYC: first sight of the Capitol building--way majestic!
KLGreenNYC: lower fountains, by the entry steps
KLGreenNYC: quite a nice fountain--with lion heads!
KLGreenNYC: first signs of the day...
KLGreenNYC: joined by a bear!
KLGreenNYC: getting closer...
KLGreenNYC: that's some nice workmanship!
KLGreenNYC: getting a picture taken with the FOX News truck
KLGreenNYC: at the entry point
KLGreenNYC: rally sign
KLGreenNYC: possibly my favorite sign
KLGreenNYC: walking across 4th Street...some great signs!
KLGreenNYC: more signs
KLGreenNYC: the voice of the new Silent Majority
KLGreenNYC: What WOULD George Clooney Do?
KLGreenNYC: should be "fewer" but let's not quibble
KLGreenNYC: IMG_9557
KLGreenNYC: simple and straightforward
KLGreenNYC: looking east from my spot
KLGreenNYC: and then looking west, behind me
KLGreenNYC: a rational witch
KLGreenNYC: not even Obama could make this happen!
KLGreenNYC: Stephen races Jon (also a robot and a bear)
KLGreenNYC: countdown!!
KLGreenNYC: a majestic backdrop for The Roots