KLGreenNYC: on the grounds of the Baehrel farm
KLGreenNYC: Basement Bistro entrance
KLGreenNYC: Chef Damon Baehrel
KLGreenNYC: some of the raw ingredients
KLGreenNYC: before it begins...
KLGreenNYC: one of the three tables
KLGreenNYC: slices of lemon cucumber in the water
KLGreenNYC: the entrance
KLGreenNYC: lemon cucumbers
KLGreenNYC: puffball mushrooms--just for Deb and me!
KLGreenNYC: shaved cucumber ice
KLGreenNYC: bread plate
KLGreenNYC: charcuterie and cheese
KLGreenNYC: savory tuiles
KLGreenNYC: what Manhattan Clam Chowder dreams of being
KLGreenNYC: salmon bacon
KLGreenNYC: fish course
KLGreenNYC: our special mushrooms
KLGreenNYC: mushroom puree, close-up
KLGreenNYC: pink currant sorbet
KLGreenNYC: bronze basil ice cream
KLGreenNYC: meat course
KLGreenNYC: pre-dessert stone-fruit gelato
KLGreenNYC: sweet part of dessert course
KLGreenNYC: another shot of those desserts!
KLGreenNYC: cheese part of the dessert course (all cheeses, again, made by the chef)