KLGreenNYC: rapping the backstory
KLGreenNYC: reaching out to the audience
KLGreenNYC: Syracusan Antipholus and Dromio listen
KLGreenNYC: Antipholus (Syracuse) with Dromio (Ephesus)
KLGreenNYC: Antipholus instructs Dromio
KLGreenNYC: Syracusan Dromio and Antipholus dine with Ephesian Antipholus' wife and her sister
KLGreenNYC: confusion with Dromio and Antipholus
KLGreenNYC: Ephesian Antipholus believes justice is being done
KLGreenNYC: Gabriel lectures the audience
KLGreenNYC: confusion reigns
KLGreenNYC: avast, ye curs!
KLGreenNYC: reflection
KLGreenNYC: the Duke gets involved
KLGreenNYC: Mikah!