KLGreenNYC: our Vienna room
KLGreenNYC: our Vienna room, looking towards the kitchen
KLGreenNYC: outside the Palmenhaus
KLGreenNYC: Viennese Blues Brothers flash mob
KLGreenNYC: little car, big fire hydrant
KLGreenNYC: elegant building, great cornice
KLGreenNYC: Staatsoper
KLGreenNYC: nifty tower on the Kaerntnerstrasse
KLGreenNYC: Viennese facade (nice details over the windows)
KLGreenNYC: Maltese church on Kaerntnerstrasse
KLGreenNYC: Lobmeyr crystal, with statues
KLGreenNYC: fountain, buildings in Neuer Markt Platz
KLGreenNYC: Pension Neuer Markt
KLGreenNYC: statuary
KLGreenNYC: Haas-Haus, by Hans Hollein
KLGreenNYC: city of painted buildings
KLGreenNYC: view down Graben from Stephansplatz
KLGreenNYC: St Stephans in the morning
KLGreenNYC: on the Stephansplatz, at Karntnerstrasse & Graben
KLGreenNYC: tomb of Georg Reninger, 1548
KLGreenNYC: 1540 tomb on wall of St Stephans
KLGreenNYC: "Harrowing of Hell" on St Stephans
KLGreenNYC: fiacre horse with ear caps
KLGreenNYC: 15th-c pulpit of St John Capistrano
KLGreenNYC: view down Wollzeile
KLGreenNYC: Mmmmm--fruit jellies
KLGreenNYC: view down Riemer from Wollzeile
KLGreenNYC: great balconies
KLGreenNYC: statue of Karl Lueger in Karl-Lueger-Platz
KLGreenNYC: rose garden in Karl-Lueger-Platz