KLGreenNYC: The littlest role player
KLGreenNYC: More role playing
KLGreenNYC: Anatomical tattoo
KLGreenNYC: Blackenshear and Rebecca
KLGreenNYC: Jayna Lee and Blackenshire
KLGreenNYC: Jayna Lee
KLGreenNYC: Michelle, Blackenshear, Jayne Lee
KLGreenNYC: David, Blackenshear, other guy
KLGreenNYC: David pulls the rope
KLGreenNYC: The rope tightens
KLGreenNYC: Mikah and his battle-axe
KLGreenNYC: Two Stoopid Guys
KLGreenNYC: Dudley Stoopid
KLGreenNYC: Preparing to juggle with Gabe's sword
KLGreenNYC: Juggling with Gabe's sword
KLGreenNYC: Nephilim: metal dragons
KLGreenNYC: Pyrus and Scorch
KLGreenNYC: Pyrus and Scorch
KLGreenNYC: Pyrus & Scorch: Perfect Fireball
KLGreenNYC: Dedicated Role-Playing
KLGreenNYC: The lake fountain