Johan Kleventoft:
Eyes of the "Man in the Moon", Linköping Sweden 9 Sep 2014 (DSC08101a)
Johan Kleventoft:
Eyes of the "Man in the Moon" part 2, Linköping Sweden 2 Jul 2015 (DSC09984Abr2)
Johan Kleventoft:
:) Is it the eyes of "the Lady in the moon" part3, Linköping Sweden 29 Aug 2015 (DSC10532a)
Johan Kleventoft:
Ghost "the Screaming Lady"...Sunset Reflection Skeda kyrka Linköping Sweden 23 Juni 2014 (DSC04998A)
Johan Kleventoft:
Ghost?! left window lower part, Ledbergs kyrka Linköping Sweden 23 Juli 2014 (DSC06113)
Johan Kleventoft:
Ledbergs kyrka Linköping Sweden 23 Juli 2014 (DSC06112)
Johan Kleventoft:
Spooky- Moon in Front of the streetlight :), Linköping Sweden 17 Jul-2016 (DSC11156afl)