amandabullock: City view
amandabullock: City view with Acropolis
amandabullock: Temple of Poseidon
amandabullock: Mediterranean Sea
amandabullock: Temple of Poseidon
amandabullock: Temple of Poseidon
amandabullock: Temple of Poseidon
amandabullock: So NOT Native American dancer men
amandabullock: DETROIT! and construction!
amandabullock: Look, the Acropolis.
amandabullock: Athens, port of Piraeus
amandabullock: The Parthenon
amandabullock: Parthenon
amandabullock: Parthenon
amandabullock: The Erechtheion
amandabullock: Doorway at the Temple of Athena Nike
amandabullock: The Erechtheion
amandabullock: Parthenon with Olive Tree