ラルフ - Ralf RKLFoto: Falling Star
ラルフ - Ralf RKLFoto: American Football Stuttgart Scorpions
ラルフ - Ralf RKLFoto: Ready to enter the arena - Stuttgart Scorpions
ラルフ - Ralf RKLFoto: Hungry 4 more? Cheerleader waiting....
ラルフ - Ralf RKLFoto: Get ready to rumble! - Stuttgart Scorpions
ラルフ - Ralf RKLFoto: Supporting the team!
ラルフ - Ralf RKLFoto: Running for glory
ラルフ - Ralf RKLFoto: Thinking of?
ラルフ - Ralf RKLFoto: MAIKE is watching the game
ラルフ - Ralf RKLFoto: Head coach explains the game
ラルフ - Ralf RKLFoto: No break through :(
ラルフ - Ralf RKLFoto: Has this guy the power to make the difference?
ラルフ - Ralf RKLFoto: #Explosive #dynamic
ラルフ - Ralf RKLFoto: Scorpions WIN