Ashevillage Institute: Newest Mud House
Ashevillage Institute: Youth Center Office
Ashevillage Institute: KIds enjoying in the earthen school
Ashevillage Institute: Community Center
Ashevillage Institute: Community Center- Lots of Kids No Electricity
Ashevillage Institute: Boy + bottles
Ashevillage Institute: Can never get enough Shua!
Ashevillage Institute: Oh, pick ME!
Ashevillage Institute: Community Center
Ashevillage Institute: Youth Center
Ashevillage Institute: "Kevin's House" the prototype
Ashevillage Institute: Playing with light
Ashevillage Institute: Mtr. T + Bottle + Earth Wall
Ashevillage Institute: Interview at earthen community center
Ashevillage Institute: 2-story earthen house
Ashevillage Institute: Dazzling Mud Bathroom
Ashevillage Institute: Bathroom sculpture
Ashevillage Institute: Community Center
Ashevillage Institute: Bamboo Screens
Ashevillage Institute: Organic Mulberry Farm
Ashevillage Institute: Youth Leaders Maintain Skills from 7 years ago