Kleiobird: QM2 b/w
Kleiobird: How it was
Kleiobird: After the ceremony
Kleiobird: Entering the frame
Kleiobird: On the streets of Berlin
Kleiobird: "Warrier protected by Pallas Athene"
Kleiobird: An der Paul-Löbe-Allee
Kleiobird: L'homme qui marche
Kleiobird: Concert Hall "De Doelen"
Kleiobird: Sculpture
Kleiobird: Pool play
Kleiobird: Oriana
Kleiobird: Reizen en ge schie de nis
Kleiobird: Pier Scheveningen
Kleiobird: Unloading a bulkcarrier ...
Kleiobird: Waalhaven
Kleiobird: Poetry of motion
Kleiobird: Su SP # 1: The globe
Kleiobird: Shadows and light
Kleiobird: Some lines
Kleiobird: On & Off
Kleiobird: Detail of the G.J de Jongh monument # 1
Kleiobird: Concrete
Kleiobird: Stephan
Kleiobird: Guess what ...
Kleiobird: Erasmus
Kleiobird: Concentration
Kleiobird: Riverside
Kleiobird: Let the sun shine
Kleiobird: Reflections in black & white