Vitamin-K: Day 1 - 1.1.09 The sun sets over Lake Taupo on the first day of 2009
Vitamin-K: Day 2 - 2.1.09 Whizzing past fields at 100km on the way home to Wellington
Vitamin-K: Day 3 - 3.1.09 I love my new star cuff
Vitamin-K: Day 4 - 4.1.09 Kim gets a fringe
Vitamin-K: Day 5 - 5.1.09 These signs (plus others with Fork and Fast) are all over Wellington
Vitamin-K: Day 6 - 6.1.09 Bowling at The Lanes
Vitamin-K: Day 7 - 7.1.09 "Hoon" Graffiti sprayed on a pedestrian crossing in Mt Victoria
Vitamin-K: Day 9 - 9.1.09 More Mt Victoria graffiti in the form of a seashell
Vitamin-K: Day 8 - 8.1.09 Pink marshmallow hearts. Yum
Vitamin-K: Day 10 - 10.1.09 The view over Wellington from Mt Victoria at 2am on a Saturday morning
Vitamin-K: Day 11 - 11.1.09 Celebrating international fairy bread appreciation day
Vitamin-K: Day 12 - 12.1.09 Old faithful 3rd gen ipod finally dies and big shiny black is its replacement
Vitamin-K: Day 13 - 13.1.09 Rainbow suspenders and a bright pink hoop
Vitamin-K: Day 14 - 14.1.09 Flaming food package from the Thai Chef Restaurant
Vitamin-K: Sculpture corner of Manners and Cuba Streets Wellington
Vitamin-K: Day 15 - 15.1.09 Alien says Mofo!
Vitamin-K: Day 16 - 16.1.09 Wellington Anniversary weekend trip to Napier
Vitamin-K: Day 17 - 17.1.09 30% off fairies. Saweet.
Vitamin-K: Day 18 - 18.1.09 Ahuriri beach, Napier
Vitamin-K: Day 19 - 19.1.09 You can gauge the miniatureness of a minature horse by comparing it to Benhi. This one is tiny!
Vitamin-K: Day 20 - 20.1.09 Revamp!
Vitamin-K: Day 21 - 21.1.09 This is my 'O crap I've been inside all day and haven't taken a picture, what should I take a picture of' picture. It's my fary light twigs-or xmas tree-with disco balls and a pink seahorse
Vitamin-K: Day 28 - 28.1.09 I received heaps of packages in the post this week
Vitamin-K: Day 22 - 22.1.09 A couple of drinks after work at The Southern Cross. I love the garden bar here so much!
Vitamin-K: Day 23 - 23.1.09 Hopscotch on the waterfront
Vitamin-K: Day 24 - 24.1.09 Another of Chickie Little's summer barbeques - cocktails, fire and inappropriate jokes
Vitamin-K: Day 25 - 25.1.09 Wellington really turned on the weather this weekend, the sun was amazing
Vitamin-K: Day 26 - 26.1.09 I love this house that's up the road from me so much
Vitamin-K: Day 27 - 27.1.09 The boy decided to try grow some tomatoes inside but planted the whole packet of seeds in two punnets. We need to cull.
Vitamin-K: Day 32 - 01.02.09 Jewellery teaser. Are you excitedd - I am!