heatharcadia: The Most Horrible Picture in the World (part 1)
heatharcadia: The Difference a Year Makes
heatharcadia: Bucket Full of Lithops
heatharcadia: The Most Horrible Picture in the World (part 3)
heatharcadia: White-on-White
heatharcadia: Cortana
heatharcadia: Lithops Birth
heatharcadia: Blue Eyes
heatharcadia: Okay, I'll pose for you
heatharcadia: Snail Tree
heatharcadia: Pastel Betta
heatharcadia: waco_tall-building_1
heatharcadia: "Put that thing away!"
heatharcadia: Female Euphorbia obesa
heatharcadia: Mammillaria blossoms
heatharcadia: waco_tall-building_3
heatharcadia: Male Euphorbia obesa
heatharcadia: Echeveria shaviana
heatharcadia: Aechmea 'Lucky Stripes' bloom progress [7/7]