Pana53 the photographer: Graureiher (Ardea cinerea) - Rotfeder
sherrihendricks98: Gaining Altitude
The Aussie Art Maker: Little tarantula (Mituliodon tarantulinus)♂️
helenehoffman: Canadian Lynx
Lost Runes: As the wind blows
arvind agrawal: Burrowing owl - IMG_2136
degan64: Sunrise
Ted Smith 574: Hawfinch - ultra close up!
SpinalTapIn: Light trails on Westminster Bridge, London
patricia.hoedts: Aguila daurada - Aguila real - Golden eagle - Aigle royal - Aquila Chrysaetos
Outback Hillbilly: The Star Grand, Queens Wharf Precinct
eric_fotografie: Love is in the air …
PeterThoeny: Whispers of rain at the Golden Gate
Jongejan: Long-tailed Tit
Mobile Lynn: Guillemot 503_4095.jpg
Mobile Lynn: European Roller 903_3480.jpg
Nuno Xavier Moreira: Texugo-europeu, European badger(Meles meles)
Lato-Pictures: Enjoy.....
mdgillies67: Kestrel in the Marshes (13.2.25)
Rckr88: Crested Barbet
didier.michelle.ferrand: Martin pêcheur (2)
didier.michelle.ferrand: Verdier d'Europe
didier.michelle.ferrand: Bécassine des marais
didier.michelle.ferrand: Butor étoilé
didier.michelle.ferrand: Chardonneret élégant
didier.michelle.ferrand: Grand cormoran
didier.michelle.ferrand: Héron cendré