claude05: wine heaven: Villa Sceriman - nel cielo del vino
claude05: relaxed manner
claude05: High Noon
claude05: the lonely guest
claude05: "The Pillars of the Earth" ...
claude05: "Fear not, little flock ..." - even in the rain
claude05: optical aid
claude05: in the streets of Rome: happy with their new Saint
claude05: take-away pizza / pizza to go
claude05: sangfroid
claude05: spellbound attention
claude05: Shining City
claude05: art presentation
claude05: in the heart of Rome
claude05: Might makes traffic right
claude05: ... sweet chariot
claude05: wrapped heroes
claude05: the early evening in Trastevere
claude05: harmony
claude05: the late evening in Trastevere
claude05: parallel event
claude05: golden superstructure
claude05: splendor and magnificence - Musei Vaticani
claude05: the genius MICHELANGELO: capella Sistina
claude05: scala a chiocciola
claude05: after the museum visit
claude05: abdication, independence ...
claude05: resting in peace
claude05: urban loneliness I
claude05: Bar jeden Flairs