Klara Kim:
the only way to travel
Klara Kim:
hello giraffe!
Klara Kim:
the music of the spheres
Klara Kim:
mouse toy that chases light
Klara Kim:
8-bit Guitar Hero
Klara Kim:
chainmail from the wikihow table
Klara Kim:
screenprinting setup
Klara Kim:
human powered stage
Klara Kim:
do not attempt to adjust the picture
Klara Kim:
you can do it, trilobite
Klara Kim:
winner of the 2010 Most Badass Artistic Representation of a Gastropod Competition
Klara Kim:
big red wagon
Klara Kim:
felt credit card logos at My Imaginary Boyfriend
Klara Kim:
bop bop bop
Klara Kim: