Muckundu: Like a Diamond in the Sky
Muckundu: Stairway to Victory
Muckundu: Innovating Ideas.
Muckundu: No matter how fast light travels it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.
Muckundu: Gaze Upon the Endless Horizon
Muckundu: I Believe You Can Fly
Muckundu: MoonLight
Muckundu: Let it fade away
Muckundu: A Dark Sunrise
Muckundu: The Moon & The Plane
Muckundu: Devil's Playground
Muckundu: Let there be Lazer
Muckundu: Enlightened
Muckundu: Loosers Beware
Muckundu: Bokeh
Muckundu: To lead people, walk behind them.
Muckundu: Now & Then
Muckundu: Jump To The Red Sun
Muckundu: Into The Light Of a Dark Black Night
Muckundu: "The Issue of Climate Change is One that we Ignore at Own Peril" - Barack Obama
Muckundu: Flame in a Bottle
Muckundu: Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star.
Muckundu: Even the most beautiful days eventually have their sunsets. All so it Could rise again.