kkr_images: Hippo surges
kkr_images: Elephant baby (IUCN status: Endangered)
kkr_images: Elephant portrait: Those beautiful brown eyes
kkr_images: Chacma Baboon mother tries to enjoy her twig in peace
kkr_images: Chacma Baboon: Portrait of a young male
kkr_images: Chaco Baboons: Checking out the photographers while Mom naps
kkr_images: Chacma Baboons: Young males roughhousing
kkr_images: Chacma Baboons: Young males roughhousing 2
kkr_images: African Painted Wolf (IUCN status:Engangered)
kkr_images: African Painted Wolf at ease (IUCN status: Engangered)
kkr_images: African Painted Wolf (IUCN status:Engangered) 2
kkr_images: African Painted Wolf (aka African Painted Dog) IUCN status:Engangered
kkr_images: Lion walks the banks of the Chobe at twilight
kkr_images: Lion at daybreak
kkr_images: Impala buck on the river bank
kkr_images: Impalas: Moving along the river bank
kkr_images: Black-backed Jackal
kkr_images: Hippos giving us the eye (high key and B&W)
kkr_images: Elephants: Taking a drink on the banks of the Chobe (B&W)
kkr_images: Elephant after a mud bath (portrait in B&W)
kkr_images: Greater Kudu (F or very young male)
kkr_images: Steenbok (F)
kkr_images: Kudu (M) (portrait)
kkr_images: Waterbuck (M)
kkr_images: Reedbuck runs through the marsh at dusk
kkr_images: Leopard (F) peers intently at the photographers (IUCN status: Vulnerable)
kkr_images: Reed Cormorant hitching a ride on a hippo
kkr_images: Elephant strolls a misty shoreline at sunset
kkr_images: Elephant youngster on the move (panning)
kkr_images: An African Savanna Elephant greeting