kkr_images: Tourquoise-browed Motmot front view
kkr_images: Slaty Flowerpiercer (F or immature)
kkr_images: Common Black Hawk
kkr_images: Black-cowled oriole
kkr_images: Green Violetear
kkr_images: Fiery-throated hummingbird (M)
kkr_images: Fiery-throated Hummingbird
kkr_images: White-necked Jacobin (M)
kkr_images: Talamanca Hummingbird (M) and Volcano Hummingbrid (F) share the flower
kkr_images: Long-billed Hermit
kkr_images: Green Violetear portrait
kkr_images: Lesser Ground-Cuckoo (Morococcyx erythropygius) 2
kkr_images: Nothern Jacana
kkr_images: Nothern Jacana juvenile
kkr_images: Yellow-headed Caracara in flight
kkr_images: Gartered Trogon (M)
kkr_images: Black-throated Trogon (M)
kkr_images: Black-throated Trogon (F)
kkr_images: Resplendent Quetzal (M) checking out a potential nest site
kkr_images: Resplendent Quetzal (M) peeking out of a potential nest site
kkr_images: Yellow-crowned Night Heron
kkr_images: Orange-collared Manakin (M) (Manacus aurantiacus) perched at the edge of the lek waiting for the female to arrive
kkr_images: Female White-collared Manakin shelters her eggs from the downpour
kkr_images: Slaty Flowerpiercer (F)
kkr_images: Acorn Woodpecker
kkr_images: Baltimore Oriole (M)
kkr_images: Keel-billed Toucan
kkr_images: Keel-billed Toucan
kkr_images: Volcano (Talamanca) hummingbird (M)
kkr_images: Three-wattled Bellbird (M) displaying