kkr_images: Weasel kit watches me watching him
kkr_images: Weasel kits goofing off
kkr_images: Mother Long-tailed Weasel drags her teen back to the burrow
kkr_images: Long-tailed weasel mother brings home a gopher for lunch
kkr_images: Weasel kit surveys the field looking for gophers
kkr_images: Long-tailed weasel kit ready to hunt
kkr_images: Weasel kit poised for action
kkr_images: Weasel kit on the run
kkr_images: Long-tailed weasel kit learning to stalk a gopher
kkr_images: Long-tailed weasel kit bears his teeth
kkr_images: Weasel kit plays superman
kkr_images: Weasel kit flies through the grass
kkr_images: Weasel kit lunging
kkr_images: Long-tailed weasel leaping
kkr_images: Jackrabbit on the move at the Baylands
kkr_images: Jackrabbit alert and watching at the Baylands
kkr_images: Desert Cottontail Rabbit
kkr_images: Raccoon "pleading"
kkr_images: Raccoon looking for lunch
kkr_images: American Red Squirrel
kkr_images: Coyote howling for a mate
kkr_images: Coyote lying in wait
kkr_images: Coyotes (M&F)
kkr_images: Desert coyote
kkr_images: Ground squirrel kits peeking out of the burrow while the mother watches
kkr_images: Ground squirrel munching on a pine twig
kkr_images: Tule elk buck during the rut - Pt. Reyes
kkr_images: Tule Elk B&W
kkr_images: Mule deer
kkr_images: Alert and ready to flee