kk❤paradise: my kozy kape finally arrived!!!
kk❤paradise: IMG_6518
kk❤paradise: ballet girls
kk❤paradise: ballet girls
kk❤paradise: ballet girls
kk❤paradise: Miss K: I love candy!
kk❤paradise: Day 16:Let's get prepared for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games!
kk❤paradise: Let's get prepared for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games!
kk❤paradise: We are ready for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games!
kk❤paradise: 游乐园1
kk❤paradise: 游乐园2
kk❤paradise: 游乐园3
kk❤paradise: 游乐园4
kk❤paradise: Miss K's gonna help me out with the watering issue. Good girl as always. XD
kk❤paradise: 纸飞机
kk❤paradise: 纸飞机
kk❤paradise: 纸飞机
kk❤paradise: Sisters
kk❤paradise: Watch out, Mike!
kk❤paradise: Kozy kape
kk❤paradise: Kozy kape