kk❤paradise: Day 1: Prison Break! I wanna go out!
kk❤paradise: Day 2: Nice day, isn't it?
kk❤paradise: Day 3: Mom, i think i am in love with someone.
kk❤paradise: Day 4: Don't take my Kuromi away!
kk❤paradise: Day 5 Goldie is folding the clothes while these three little guys come and make it a total mess.
kk❤paradise: Day 6: every girl wants to be pretty.
kk❤paradise: Day 7: if u wanna be pretty, u have to be patient.
kk❤paradise: Day 8: Goldie has got a wooden horse!
kk❤paradise: Day 11: Hooray!!We are going to Tokyo this weekend!!
kk❤paradise: Day 12: Goldie's at the airport, ready to fly to Tokyo!!
kk❤paradise: Day 13: 穿著和服的阿金金在浅草寺!
kk❤paradise: Day 14: 來日本必須去的代官山Junie Moon
kk❤paradise: Day 15:my girls have secrets.
kk❤paradise: Day 16:Let's get prepared for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games!
kk❤paradise: Day 17:Goldie in Japan
kk❤paradise: Day 18: Goldie at Diver City
kk❤paradise: Day 19: Miss Goldie loves flowers❤
kk❤paradise: Day 21: Goldie's vacation just starts!
kk❤paradise: Day 22: Apparently, someone's not quite happy today.
kk❤paradise: Sisters