kouk: hidden woodcarved bust
kouk: lady by a tree
kouk: lady under tree
kouk: perspective
kouk: cheerio
kouk: Purple flower near Gediminas pro. in Vilnius
kouk: scrambling
kouk: scrambling
kouk: jesus christ backpacker
kouk: mermaid
kouk: welcome duck
kouk: flintsone washing machine
kouk: arkikatedra chapel
kouk: arkikatedra
kouk: mary and votives
kouk: pretty in pink
kouk: holywood set?
kouk: the inside out
kouk: church is surfing
kouk: vilnius manhole
kouk: Vilnius church steeple
kouk: Reminder
kouk: vilnius castle
kouk: vilnius castle
kouk: on the corner of vilniaus and gediminas
kouk: Baby parade
kouk: Traku map
kouk: medieval woman fixes her pony tail
kouk: pagan women weave fish catching baskets