KKfromBB: Berries
KKfromBB: Thorns
KKfromBB: Red Leaves
KKfromBB: The Path Ahead
KKfromBB: Purple Flower
KKfromBB: Yellow Canopy
KKfromBB: Skyward
KKfromBB: Dark Surrounds Light
KKfromBB: Orange Canopy
KKfromBB: Splintered
KKfromBB: Full Yellow
KKfromBB: Orange Leaves
KKfromBB: Red In The Middle
KKfromBB: Hollow Stump
KKfromBB: Looking Ahead
KKfromBB: Looking Behind
KKfromBB: Creepy
KKfromBB: Love In The Rings
KKfromBB: Red Above My Head
KKfromBB: Paved Path through the "Planted Prairie"
KKfromBB: Bluebird Boxes in the Planted Prairie
KKfromBB: Sign: Caution / Steep Incline / Irregular Steps
KKfromBB: Steep Incline / Irregular Steps
KKfromBB: I'm #1
KKfromBB: Moss Lines
KKfromBB: Along Sugar Creek
KKfromBB: February Snowdrops
KKfromBB: To the "Big Woods Trail"
KKfromBB: Reflections of Sugar Creek
KKfromBB: Squirrel!