Ken Kertell: rainforest frog PERU San Martin, Shimiyacu, Alto Shilcayo, 500m, 14-X-2016_3425KKertell
Ken Kertell: rainforest frog PERU San Martin, Mishquiyacu, 1050m, 01-X-2016_1095KKertell
Ken Kertell: rainforest frog PERU San Martin, Mishquiyacu, 1050m, 01-X-2016_1096KKertell
Ken Kertell: weevil PERU Amazonas, Abra Patricia (Owlet Lodge), 2300m, 05-X-2016_2012
Ken Kertell: robber fly with prey PERU San Martin, Rumipata, S of Moyobamba, 950m, 30-IX-2016_0668KKertell
Ken Kertell: F. Mantidae PERU San Martin, Shimiyacu, Alto Shilcayo, 500m, 14-X-2016_3423KKertell
Ken Kertell: stick insect couple PERU San Martin, Shimiyacu, Alto Shilcayo, 500m, 15-X-2016_3745KKertell
Ken Kertell: leaf-mimic katydid PERU San Martin, Shimiyacu, Alto Shilcayo, 500m, 14-X-2016_3407KKertell