Takeshi Nishio: 投票のご案内 / Voting information
Takeshi Nishio: 投票所 / Polling place
Takeshi Nishio: 参観者は3階へ / Visitors will move up to the 3rd floor
Takeshi Nishio: 明るい選挙スリッパ / A pair of slippers, printed "Fair Elections"
Takeshi Nishio: 3階 参観受付 / 3rd floor, reception desk for visitors
Takeshi Nishio: 参観人の皆様へ / For visitors
Takeshi Nishio: 班別ミーティング / Sectional meeting
Takeshi Nishio: 開票作業に関する全体指示 / Notice about counting for all
Takeshi Nishio: 開票に臨む / Facing on the ballot counting
Takeshi Nishio: 投票箱を開錠 / Unlocking the ballot boxes.
Takeshi Nishio: 開始時刻を待つ / Waiting the start time
Takeshi Nishio: あと少し / Start shortly
Takeshi Nishio: 開票開始 / Started counting
Takeshi Nishio: 開票開始 / Started counting
Takeshi Nishio: 投票箱回収者 / Ballot box collector
Takeshi Nishio: 回収した投票箱を並べる / Line up collected ballot boxes
Takeshi Nishio: 投票箱が空か確認 / The confirmation that the ballot box is empty or not
Takeshi Nishio: 投票箱が空か確認 / The confirmation that the ballot box is empty or not
Takeshi Nishio: テレビ局による撮影 / TV crew
Takeshi Nishio: 開票作業 / Counting
Takeshi Nishio: 開票作業 / Counting
Takeshi Nishio: 政党ごとに票を仕分け / Sorting by party
Takeshi Nishio: 投票用紙の山 / A mass of ballot paper
Takeshi Nishio: 候補者ごとに票を仕分け / Sorting by candidates
Takeshi Nishio: 参観場所から票を数える報道関係者 / Newspeople count from 3rd floor
Takeshi Nishio: 票を数える様子 / How to count from 3rd floor
Takeshi Nishio: 双眼鏡で票を数える / Count through a binocular
Takeshi Nishio: 投票用紙を集める / Collecting ballots
Takeshi Nishio: 奥で疑問票を確認中 / Checking disputed ballots at far side
Takeshi Nishio: 開票作業 / Counting