Snap Man:
Robin with a box for Goodwill
Snap Man:
The backyard
Snap Man:
Jeff and James
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Snap Man:
Draining the pool
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Seder with the Shutmans
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Painting the pool
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Pier shop
Snap Man:
Jeff on his creation, our new front deck
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Snap Man:
What happened to my pool?
Snap Man:
What happened to my pool?
Snap Man:
What a sorry sight!
Snap Man:
Darryl and Kaitlin
Snap Man:
Kaitlin with her Grandpa Gary
Snap Man:
Kaitlin at her dance recital
Snap Man:
Robin with Jean on her 90th birthday
Snap Man:
At Kaitlin's dance recital
Snap Man:
At Kaitlin's dance recital
Snap Man:
Inspecting the pool
Snap Man:
Kid, in his office
Snap Man:
Robin with the cats
Snap Man:
18770 Tribune
Snap Man:
Kenlyn on Mother's Day
Snap Man:
Robin on Mother's Day
Snap Man:
Robin on Mother's Day
Snap Man:
Carlos installing new faucets
Snap Man:
House hunting in Santa Susana Knolls
Snap Man:
The Amtrak Surfliner
Snap Man:
Jeff and Jocelyn