Snap Man: Fred Zlotkin at 6
Snap Man: Kent and David
Snap Man: David's 10th birthday party
Snap Man: Kent's 6th birthday party
Snap Man: Mom and all five cousins
Snap Man: Aunt Martha at 33
Snap Man: Aunt Martha at 33
Snap Man: Larry at (almost) twelve
Snap Man: David at ten
Snap Man: Roxie at six
Snap Man: Kent at six
Snap Man: Couisins Kent and Roxie fifteen days apart
Snap Man: David, Kent, Grandmother, and Mom
Snap Man: David and Kent
Snap Man: Kent at six
Snap Man: On a family vacation
Snap Man: Family, in Eureka
Snap Man: Along the Oregon Coast
Snap Man: Kent and David in Oregon
Snap Man: Mount Rainier
Snap Man: Kanouse family at Mount Rainier National Park in 1953
Snap Man: On a ferry to Vancouver Island
Snap Man: Cameron Lake
Snap Man: The Cameron Lake Chalet
Snap Man: The Cameron Lake Chalet
Snap Man: Kent at Cameron Lake
Snap Man: Relaxing at Cameron Lake
Snap Man: Kids at Cameron Lake
Snap Man: Building mud castles at Qualicum Beach
Snap Man: The Empress Hotel